Felty-Roland Florist & Plant Shop,
302 E F St, Elizabethton, TN 37643
Local: 423-543-1541

Birthday Flowers in Elizabethton

Help celebrate their special day with a gift of Birthday flowers delivered from Felty-Roland Florist & Plant Shop,, the leading Elizabethton florist that residents love most!

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You’re a Gem Bouquet
You’re a Gem Bouquet R5553 US 49.99
Radiance in Bloom Basket
Radiance in Bloom Basket S5286 US 109.95
Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet
Long Stem Pink Rose Bouquet E5440 US 100.00
The FTD® Sorbet Bouquet
The FTD® Sorbet Bouquet CGA US 49.99
The FTD® Charm & Comfort™ Bouquet
The FTD® Charm & Comfort™ Bouquet S5285 US 131.95
The Dreamscape Bouquet
The Dreamscape Bouquet R5549 US 49.99
Sweet & Pretty Bouquet
Sweet & Pretty Bouquet B35 US 49.99
Sunset Strip Bouquet
Sunset Strip Bouquet R5567 US 54.99
Colorful Carnival Bouquet
Colorful Carnival Bouquet R5548 US 49.99
FTD Florist Designed Blooming and Green Plants in a Basket
FTD Florist Designed Blooming and Green Plants in a Basket EO-6059 US 49.99
The FTD® Happy Times™ Bouquet
The FTD® Happy Times™ Bouquet D3-4897 US 49.99
Rays of Life Bouquet
Rays of Life Bouquet S5324 US 94.59

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